Camp Meeting?(3 Lessons Learned)

Do you remember attending a camp meeting? In the summer time we would often go to a rural location where we would attend religious meetings under a tent.

I have many memories from camp meetings. While making friends and hearing incredible music was all a part there seemed to be a special focus on hearing a word from the Lord. Not that we couldn’t get one at home or in our local church. But there was something about these special gatherings both for speaker and listener that seemed to have special significance.

This weekend I was blessed to be the musician for a camp meeting hosted by the Denton Church of Free Seventh-Day Adventists. Here are 3 lessons that I learned that I believe will be a blessing for you.


People came from as far as Illinois for this special bilingual event

One of the subjects covered by one of the speakers was health. There is so much more information being thrown at us daily then in years gone by. And it is easy to forget significant things learned before. Every year someone has a new diet for us to try. While this is great to help them sell books it may well be that the fundamental principles remain the same. We really have to review what has worked in the past and what was taught before in order to have it ready to use when needed now.


The camp meeting preacher prepares to share a message of hope
The preacher preparing to share

I love a good sermon! I enjoy the exhilarating feeling of listening to the helpful truths found in the word of God delivered amidst well woven stories. But I’ve lived long enough to learn that there is a difference between the sizzle and the steak. Having mastered skillful oratory doesn’t mean that someone has more Jesus than another. In fact, as I listened to the different speakers who also had the yoke of a translator to make their delivery process more difficult I realized that what was most important was sincere relatable truth with proven solutions to help me on my spiritual journey.


Teenage camp meeting translator

My heart was warmed as I saw a teenage boy translate the sermon for his father. Later he also translated a health lecture by his mother. And I was pleased that the leadership praised both him and the other young people who participated by singing, ushering, or supporting technology.

I realized as I looked that so many who have served are growing older and in need of support themselves. But I didn’t see as many younger people participating in the execution of the event. It takes a lot of work to put on a camp meeting. A lot more than having a zoom meeting from the comfort of your home.

What ever benefits that can be received from being in nature and in this kind of environment may be lost if the vision of it’s importance isn’t shared in meaningful ways with those younger generations. They currently are overwhelmed by the digital attention they receive and often puzzled with their struggle with anxiety and depression. They often don’t see the connection between the two.

Have you ever attend a camp meeting? Please share your story in the comment section. Have a great rest of your day!


How We Help With Content Creating

Figuring it out!

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Content Creating Is Frustrating!

Have you ever posted a video on Facebook and only had a hand full of likes? I know how frustrating it can be! I was creating videos and posting them on YouTube for 13 years and only had a little over 100 followers(here’s my account @DavidGriffithsmusic). As a gospel recording artist I was told that I needed to grow my numbers on social media if I wanted to have a successful career. Many of you have been told that you need to learn how to use social media whether for ministry or business. And yet it is amazing how one person can post nearly the same thing as you and their content goes viral while you hear nothing but crickets.

The Power Of A Good Coach

Someone suggested to me that I get a good coach to help me with my social media journey. I found a great one…the only problem was that he didn’t have my values and was suggesting I follow trends that didn’t align with my biblical flavored life. Perhaps you too have tried to find someone to help you understand content creating but were concerned that they wouldn’t personalize the information you were getting. Many of the famous coaches have such large programs that it’s hard to get individualized support from them. (Here are some of my favorite coaches: , Brendon Burchard , Vanessa Lau)

I wanted to make sure I create something different. Once I would figure out how to grow on social media I wanted to help people just like me, many who were faith-based…many a bit older and not having grown up using social media who just needed a little help to get started. (I started to help mature content creators figure out content creating with the support they need)

Feeling Like A Number

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I remember sitting one day at my computer feeling like I had spent thousands of dollars to join several programs and never had the attention necessary to figure out what I was doing. They had videos to watch but I didn’t have the time even in a group setting to get my questions answered. And while as an educator of 30 years I know that value of learning in community I also know that it’s important to have things explained in a way that fits my learning style. Because of the anxiety and frustration I felt I made a decision that when I had the opportunity I would do something different. I would create a learning environment much more supportive than the ones I experienced.

How Content Creating Academy Is Different

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In Content Creating Academy we have a team of instructors. We make sure that students get support not only with understanding the technology involved but also with shifting their mindset to be able to overcome the anxiety and fear that keep so many from pressing record and posting content online. We also use proven strategies tested first in our own content creating journey and then verified by the success that our current students are having.

We plan to expand the reach of our academy but not at the expense of giving the support necessary to see each of our students win. Recently one of our students wrote us a note that made us feel like we were on the right path:

I am so excited to be starting this journey with The Jumpstart Program.

My first step was to work with Coach Danny on the Mind-Set Shift and it has been a truly enlightening experience. It’s been somewhat of an awakening for me.

I am so grateful that each member of this team is walking in their purpose and helping people like me get to the next level as we seek to walk in ours.

Thanks again Coach Danny and thanks to the entire team at The Content Creating Academy.

Peace and Blessings

Ofie Kodjoe

Singer, Live Coach, Speaker

We Are Here To Help

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If you are looking for a team with Christian values to help you launch your ministry or group coaching program, or if you just need someone to help you figure out how to use social media to reach the people you wish to serve please click this link and set up a free strategy session and we promise to do our best to help you find the solution you need. Content Creating Academy is focused on helping you make content creating more effective and a whole lot easier! Schedule a visit today! You won’t regret it.


Save Your Congregation

Help me save your congregation
Many congregations have only 30% to 50% of the members they had before the pandemic

I have a problem and I think you may have one too. We both want to see lost souls saved. You want to save your congregation. If you let me help you solve your problem it will help me solve mine.

Congregations have shrunk

Reports I have heard from pastor are that congregations have shrunk to 30% to 50% of what they use to be before the pandemic. Some people stay home and watch online but most have disappeared. That’s a big problem for you as a pastor or church leader.

I have a different problem. A little over a year ago my Heavenly Father lead me to minister daily on TikTok. As a result I now have over 555,000 followers there and over 65,000 followers on instagram. Daily I pray for individuals and they now come to me for help. They are desperate!

So you may ask, “What’s the problem?”

The Problem

The problem is that I am an individual. I am not a church and do not have systems and support teams to nurture all of the people who come to me desperately needing solutions for their lives. There’s even a church in one country that has asked me to pastor them by preaching from my house and they translating for their village. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few…well, laborers that understand how to reach the masses in need.

So here’s my offer.

My Offer

Come next Thursday too a Webinar I am giving about how I have grown on social media as a Christian content creator and I will give you some tools you can start using right away to improve your influence on social media.

At the end of the Webinar I will make an offer for you to work with my team should you need greater support.

So, what do you think? Can we save your congregation? Can we save lost souls together? Can we help solve each other’s problems???

Click the link and register today while spaces last.



Who You Use To Be

You are not who you use to be
You Are Not Who You Used To Be!

I remember who I use to be. When I was growing up I wasn’t concerned about money because I didn’t think it was spiritual. I was excited about telling the world about Jesus and writing and singing gospel songs as my way of giving glory to God with my life. But I discovered an interesting thing along the way. You need money to do record your gospel songs. You need money to take promo photos. You need money to hire a designer to design your CD cover. I need money to be able to do the ministry things that were dear to my heart. Have you ever noticed that even doing things for heaven requires resources? I use to not care about money. That’s who I use to be. but now I do!

I noticed that each week the preacher would make an appeal for an offering. He or she would describe all the wonderful work that was going to be done for the kingdom of heaven if we would only give enough money.

God had made an investment in each one of us. He sees what we can become and not who we use to be.

I thought we were just suppose to pray and God would provide what we needed. It was only with time that I started to realize that God had made an investment into each one of us. And God doesn’t do things without intention. He had a plan that we would use our gifts to give Him glory, help each other, and provide for our families. So making money from providing service is a good thing. And in the current economic environment we are reminded with food and gas prices rising quickly how important it is to have sufficient revenue.

Ironically, the subconscious message in our world today is that rich people are evil or you have to make a deal with the devil in order to make money. Is it not possible that the all powerful God of the universe is able to have his people succeed? And even though there may be trials and tribulations along the path is it not probable that He will do what His word says and reward the diligent service of His children?

I would like to recommend two tools that have transformed the way I look at my life, my finances and service to God. I promise that they are both life changing and will help you change from who you use to be to God’s intended best for your life. The book called FROM THE TRASH MAN TO THE CASH MAN is by Dr. Myron Golden. Only using biblical principles as his guide he was able to go from being a trash man making $6.25/hr to owning a company that makes over $100 Million last year.

The second tool is a conference I have just attended called the MAKE MORE OFFERS CHALLENGE. This is especially useful to coaches, business owners and anyone else seeking to provide for their family as an entrepreneur. The tools and techniques he shares have already transformed my business. He shows you how to sell focusing in on your customer’s needed result and not on the process. It’s LIFE CHANGING!!

Please let me know in the comments how these tools bless your life.

You are not who you use to be. People will try to see you only as you may have been. They may even frame you in their mind as someone you are not. But you should chose to see you as God sees you. And God does want you to be prosperous. They bible tells us that a man skilled in his work will serve before kings and not before obscure men. That mens strategic hard work will bring a profit. We are also encouraged to leave an inheritance for our children’t children.

So I am choosing to be a new person. The bible says that if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. But the problem is if you don’t know the identity of the new creature you will answer to the name and habits of the old. Learn who you are from God’s word…let’s forget who you use to be and learn who you really are!!!

Let’s Connect HERE


Clear Clutter

Clutter can hurt our ability to think
Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Let’s talk about clutter! When I want to think I go to my studio. There isn’t much there and I am away from everyone else. We converted our carport into a portrait studio and while I knew I’d be taking portraits there I didn’t realize it would be my go to place for prayer and planning. But now I’m beginning to understand why.


Most every other space in my home has some amount of clutter. There are things upon things in the kitchen and the piano room and my bedroom/office that distract my eyes when I want to think and focus. But in the studio there are less things to distract. I find it so peaceful there.


Choose one space that you can declutter fairly easily and go do it NOW!

How do you feel? Now try reading or praying or planning there. Does it feel different? Let me know your results in the comments.

I wanted to share this revelation with you because I am starting a journey to help myself and as many people in my community as possible change. I want us to change to have the life we have dreamed of and prayed for. I realize that the answers are there and we’ll all get there sooner if we start to care enough to share what’s been working.

Thanks for reading my post. I hope you’ll stop by tomorrow. I’m going to share the difference in how rich people use their money versus poor or middle class. Let’s change together!


@DavidGriffiths07 on Twitter

Davidthedigitalcreator on Instagram


The Best Camera For Streaming

The best camera for streaming is the one that meets your specific needs!

Watch this video for additional explanation

Today let’s talk about how you can find the best streaming camera in 2021 for you.

Have you been on a zoom and noticed that one of your colleagues’ video stream looked amazing?  Have you wondered how they are achieving that clear and polished look?  We will unlock the mystery together.

When thinking about the best camera for streaming, there are three areas we will consider: lighting, internet connection and camera

Many of you have become familiar with the popular ring lights that once were considered only for beauty vloggers.  They now have become standard.  It is important to make sure you are clearly illuminated so that those you are broadcasting to can see you clearly.  You don’t have to use a ring light but you should make sure that your primary light source is located in front of you, slightly to one side for a more dramatic effect.

Then you should consider how you are connecting to the internet.  If you want the highest speeds to insure the best quality you should connect directly to your router using an ethernet cable.

And then the moment you have been waiting for…which camera do I use?


The best camera for streaming: Logitech c920 shown here.

If you simply want to improve the image but have the process remain simple then get an upgraded quality webcam like those models made by logitech.  The C920, C922 and Logitech Streamcam are my recommended choices depending on how much your budget is. 




The next cameras recommended are Canon mirrorless cameras.  Canon has released a utility software the allows you to plug in your camera directly to your computer and use it as a webcam.  Other cameras require you to purchase an adapter such as the Elgato Camlink.  

Camlink $119.59


The best camera for streaming: Canon cameras make it easy with their webcam utility software.

Here are my recommended Canon cameras to use in ascending cost:

Canon M200 $549

Canon M50 $649

Recommended lens for either the M50 or M200: Sigma 30mm 1.4

Canon EOS RP $1299 (with kit lens)

Canon EOS R $1799

Canon EOS R6 $2499

Canon EOS R5 $3899

Recommended lens for either EOS RP, EOS R, EOS R6 or EOS R5: Canon 50mm 1.8 RF Lens


The best camera for streaming: The Sony a6100 is one of the best cameras for streaming, providing 4k.

Finally, I also recommend several Sony Cameras as streaming cams.  Remember to get your adapter so you can connect the HDMI out of the camera and into the adapter that you will plug in to the USB port.  Here are my recommended Sony Cameras in ascending cost:

Sony A6100 $854.95

Sony A6400 $898

Sony A6600 $1398

Sony A7III $1998

Sony A7RIV $2998

Recommended lens for any of the above Sony cameras 50mm 1.8

For all cameras listed you can buy the body alone and then get the recommended lens…Many people will try the kit lens but not realize they won’t get that blurred background that a 1.8 or 1.4 lens gives.  This may not be as important to you, however, if you are using a streaming platform that offers background blur in the software.

While trying to find the best camera for streaming I preferred the quality of image from my Canon EOS R5 most but the image quality of all the options listed with good lighting and fast internet speed is far better than your built in webcam.  When budget permits I will probably get a Logitech Streamcam because of it’s smaller size and have it always in place for convenience.  Even mirrorless cameras can be bulky in comparison.

I hope you found this information helpful.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Tools That Work: Fiverr

Today I want to tell you about Fiverr, an important tool to help you in your journey as a content creator.  In previous posts I discussed that as a believer you are a content creator and it’s important to master the modern tools of communicating in order to spread the gospel as well as for success in other service industries.  But most of us aren’t able to skillfully do everything necessary to create a personal brand online.  Whether you are talking about your life or witnessing about the gospel we all are influencers.  What we say impacts others.  And most of the time we don’t think about how powerful our posts or forwards on social media are.  

It’s time to start thinking about your personal brand.  How do people perceive you?  When someone meets you online what do they perceive as your values?  You should be intentional in setting up an image and sharing content that resonates with your values.  Let me say that again.  You should share content that resonates with your values not just content that you think will go viral.

Making Attractive Content

But how do we make content that looks attractive?  I have two suggestions.  In this post I’ll talk about the first, Fiverr.  Fiverr is an excellent place to find talented and affordable graphic artists who can come up with some amazing visual ideas for your personal brand.  Recently I started preparing for the launch of a new broadcast and website.  I wanted to come up with a logo and 3 designs that could be used for clothing and other products to help support this ministry.  I searched Fiverr looking for designs that resonated with me.  Then I asked my son to help me choose a few designers.  We narrowed it down to 3.  

One focused on word art only.  Another made very colorful designs.  The third made ethnic oriented art designs.  Here are the results of our Fiverr projects.

Share content that resonates with your values not just content that you think will go viral.

David Griffiths
Hoodies with the Colorful Morning Worship logo
Put Jesus First Logo

As you can see they did an amazing job.  In our next post I will talk to you about another alternative method for creating attractive graphic content for your personal brand as you begin your content creation journey.  Below is an affiliate link to Fiverr.  If you use it any purchases you make will help support this ministry.  See you next week!  I can’t wait to tell you about this next tool.

Watch: I paid 3 designers to make the same logo on Fiverr



It’s time for Christians to witness like never before

We witness everyday! We tell stories. We share stories. We post our favorite jokes. We tweet our favorite bit of celebrity news. We stitch or duet the latest trending TikTok. We witness everyday. It’s just that most of the time we are witnessing to everyone and everything but Jesus Christ.

I once sat down with a marketing specialist to learn how I could grow my ministry influence online. She explained about the importance of metrics. She pointed out that if someone views something that isn’t that significant. But if they like it that is a bit better. But if they are really into whatever you are doing or posting they will share it! A witness shares something that they are excited about. So perhaps we should ask ourselves this question first. Are we excited about Jesus? If not, why not?

If your walk with the Lord is like mine you had some amazing experiences when you first came to know the Lord. It seemed like miracles happened everyday. But then it’s almost like you graduated to another level where God expected more from you. He expected you to “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”(James 1:2-3 NIV). I liked the honeymoon face of conversion better!! But it seems that God’s goal is shaping us into his image. In order for this to happen we have to go through some things.

God’s solution was giving!

Have you ever wondered why God didn’t just make sin disappear once it happened? Wouldn’t it have been easier to erase everybody and start over? Perhaps His love and His wisdom saw that the universe would be better served by seeing the workings out of Satan’s ideology. Satan has made some strong accusations about God the father. But as we are able to see the workings of His plan of salvation we see sacrificial love in action. “For God so loved the world that he gave….” God’s solution was giving. He sacrificed to save those who had fallen into Satan’s plan. He could have erased everything and not sacrificed. But he chose to love us sacrificially.

So isn’t it ironic that we ask God to remove all our struggles and suffering when he didn’t do that for Himself?? Don’t get me wrong, I’m first in line saying, “Jesus, can I do something else, please?” But, I’m willing to sacrifice if I know it’s something that pleases Him and something that will bring results.

If you have lost your first love consider the sacrifice God made voluntarily to save you instead of erasing you and starting over. That certainly is good news!!!

I’m challenging all my followers on all my social media platforms to witness through social media.

I want everyone to commit to sharing their faith for 21 days straight.

You have witnessed for CBS, NBC, McDonald’s and Burger King. Now how about letting the world know that you are in love with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?

Day 1 can begin like this: “I want to share today about how much Jesus means to me…” You can add more or you can stop there. You can put it over a picture using a software like or you can put it as plain text. You can post it alone or you can tag some friends. In whichever way you choose to witness, please do so from your heart reflecting on all of God’s goodness to you.

I look forward to hearing in the comments about how your witnessing journey is going. My next post I’ll share a bit about those who are suffering for their faith.

As always, I love you but God loves you more and I’ll see you in the next post.

If you need help learning how to be a content creator visit my website for a free consultation.
